You must try my Vegan Delectable: Volume II Vegetable Burger recipe. It's amazing!

🔎I did a quick history refresher (via google) to better appreciate and distinguish July 4th (Americas 276 years of sovereignty) from May 30th, Memorial Day. 🔍
💡July 4th is not only a federal holiday and America's Birthday, but also our 1776 divorce from British Colonial life to seize our independence. Divorce is often an ugly situation and not usually welcomed, but America's divorce from Britain for independence must be celebrated—especially as we are now the world’s superpower!
💡 Guyana, my country of birth gained its 56 years of independence from Britain on May 26, 1966. Another divorce, I may say. Seems Great Britain is a polygamist and hence has many divorces for sovereignty.
But we love the British and I have lovely network connections I would never divorce.
But celebrating Independence Day as a child in Guyana is similar to celebrating July 4th in the US. Both splurge on traditional foods and beverages and host elaborate, patriotic festivities that create a treasure chest of memories for a lifetime.

Try my Vegetable Burger recipe in Vegan Delectable: Volume II and celebrate 4th of July in a delectable way. Ingredients are organic and recipe easy to follow. You'll enjoy my delicious burger all summer with friends and family at countless barbecues! My vegetable burger is succulent and bursting with flavors that lingers. Adults smack their lips and kids lick their fingers. It's an all-round favorite for my family, friends and guests and a delightful option when you have vegans and vegetarians around.
And trust me--I have been cooking for over 40 years. ❤️🤍💙
Click these googled links for a serving of timely history while you eat.