🍁 It's Thanksgiving Day, 2022. Be thankful for this moment and all moments and the fact that you are part of reality--the living.
Remember to love you and evolve from the moments life serves--wiser, stronger and a better version of you. Failure brings new perspectives--you can try again even when the world laughs, won't help and dare you to grasp your dreams. Return to school for that 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree. Find new love and build a house. Apply for that job. Become an entrepreneur and stretch your dreams. 🍁
🍁 Fix you. This world cannot be fixed. Focus on each moment before you. You will succeed at balance if you grasp each moment with steadfast and resilient hands. Challenges will become ladders and layers of skin--and you will appreciate each moment.
Emagine life without moments that test and stretch us into the consummate renderings of ourselves? Would we really treasure life? Perhaps we'd be extras fading into the moments of others. What stories would we then offer each year? 🍁

Why not cook something delectable
and create a super moment
this Thanksgiving Day,
November 24, 2022?
Easy to make recipe and great for the holidays!
I enjoyed savory pumpkin pies as a child
living in Guyana, South America.
Memories and delectable bites
definitely create super mementos for me
even now as an adult living in the USA.